Pakistan’s Failed Commitment: How Pakistan’s Institutionalized Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

By: Qasim Rashid


Pakistan’s ICCPR violations and state-sanctioned persecution of religious minorities have created a breeding ground for extremism. It should be no surprise, therefore, that Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution described Pakistan as “probably the most dangerous country in the world” today.3 This phenomenon directly impacts the United States and the international community at large because it creates an environment to develop and export extremism. The United States and United Nations must work together to recognize the plight of millions of Pakistani citizens who belong to a religious minority, and work to afford them the basic ICCPR-guaranteed freedoms they deserve. Silence in the face of Pakistan’s clear violations of international law will only strengthen extremist ideologies within the country and abroad. Pakistan’s current state of affairs pertaining to human rights is dismal. With a proper understanding of the gravity of the situation and a unified international effort, however, Pakistan can be held accountable to full ICCPR compliance.


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