Foreigners at the Gate: Foreign Direct Investment Regulations & Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in The People’s Republic of China

By: George O. White III


The elevation of law over politics is very new in China and the extent to which it is to be taken seriously is not always clear to the Chinese involved. The Chinese official and the Chinese citizen are part of a political structure in which the Party’s will and policies have been the most effective law… Laws and regulations have to be understood in this wider context of a society in which the formal legal position is only one consideration and still often not the most important.

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Corporate Governance in the Emerging Markets of the Global Village Latin and South America

By: Rhoda Karpatkin


Corporate governance scandals in America have focused public attention once again on global governance issues. Issues that are not solely corporate or business concerns, they have become public, political, and ethical concerns. They have become economic concerns, particularly due to the erosion of public confidence in the integrity of corporate leadership and the institutions that are charged with their oversight.

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Corporate Governance in the Sultanate of Oman

By: Ellen Kerrigan Dry


While the United States’ capital market has had its headline-grabbing scandals involving companies such as World Com and Entron, the capital markey in the Sultanate of Oman (Oman) has also experienced its share of corporate troubles affecting not onlt large Omani companies such as National Rice Mills SAOG and Oman National Investment Company Holdings SAOG, but also dozens of smaller companies, which have had to turn to the government to assistance.

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Corporate Responsibility and the Regulation of Corporate Lawyers

By: James M. McCauley


On July 30, 2002, in an effort to demonstrate to the American public a resolve to crack down on corporate scandals such as Enron, Adelphia, WorldCom, and Global Crossing, President Bush signed into law the “Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002”. Proclaiming that the new law will restore investor confidence, reform the oversight of public accounting and increase the transparency of corporate financial statements…

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The Workers in the Globalized Economy: The European Way to the Foundation and Enforcement of the Social Rights

By: Maurizio Del Conte


In recent years, a new term has spread like wildfire to become a catch-all word in a regions of the world-globalization. The word i ubiquitous, splashed in newspapers, dissected in essays and academic journals, bandied at symposiums, quizzed by the man in the street and shouted against by parching protesters.

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