The Economic Case for Labor Standards: A Layman’s Guide

By: Thomas I. Palley


The place of labor standards in the global economy has figured prominently in recent discussions of trade and globalization. Labor standards figured prominently in the Seattle meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1999, and they promise to figure prominently in discussions about a proposed Free Trade Area of Americas (FTAA). Labor standards represent a critical issue for both the American labor movement and the international trade union movement as they are central to making globalization work for working people.

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Does Free Trade Cause Hunger? Hidden Implications of the FTAA

By: Jonathan B. Wight


This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effects of any human wisdom, which forsees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occasion. It is the necessary, though very slow and gradual consequence of a certain propensity in human nature which has in view no such extensive utility; the propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another.

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The Geography of Injustice: Borders and the Continuing Immiseration of California Agricultural Labor in Era of “Free Trade”

By: Don M. Mitchell


Why is it that when the reigning ideology governing the expansion of “free trade” is anti-regulatory”, all agree that the movement of people, or rather laborers, must be carefully regulated? Indeed, why are borders strengthened for people just as states of the Western Hemisphere embark on a thorough reconfiguration, and even a dismantling, or borders for capital and goods.

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Better Patent Law for International Commitment- The Amendment of Chinese Patent Law

By: Jiwen Chen


On August 25, 2000, the Chinese National People’s Congress (“NPC”) passed and amendment to the Chinese Patent Law. The Chinese Patent Law was enacted in 1984 and first amended in 1992. This second Amendment, in August of 2000, was made in anticipation of China’s accession to World Trade Organization (“WTO”) and in response to the need for protection of domestinc intellectual property rights.

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The Need for a Uniform United States Separate Accounting Policy

By: Jacqueline R. Fields


As the world begins the twenty-first century, advancement in technology and communication have caused the corporate sector to evolve constantly, resulting in the increased globalization of the marketplace. Through mergers, acquisitions and other types of transactions, a plethora of multinational corporations have emerged int he corporate arena. In order for these multinational corporations to maintain their presence in several countries, the corporations must comply with each country’s laws and regulations.

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