The Rule of Law: Its History and Meaning in Common Law, Civil Law, and Latin American Judicial Systems

By: Nadia E. Nedzel


“Rule of law” is an expression both praised and ridiculed by adherents of opposite political philosophies, and it is a principle claimed as the lodestar for widely differing legal theories. As much as an ideality as an ideal, the words “rule of law” have served a wide range of purposes, stretching from political sloganeering to the protection of individual rights from the power of government.


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“To Remand, or Not to Remand”: Ventura’s Ordinary Remand Rule and the Evolving Jurisprudence of Futility

By: Patrick J. Glen


Presumably few federal appellate judges are confronted with the Danish prince’s existential angst: “To be, or not to be: that is the question. . . .”1 Nonetheless, a similar ambivalence may be present in the circumstance of judicial review of administrative agency decisions. No less eminent an authority than former Second Circuit Judge Henry Friendly expressed just such angst in the introduction to his 1969 Duke Law Journal article, in which he attempted to discern bright-line rules in the Supreme Court’s 1943 SEC v. Chenery2 decision: “Although when I began my labors, I had the hope of discovering a bright shaft of light that would furnish a sure guide to decision in every case, the grail has eluded me; indeed I have come to doubt that it exists.3 Determination when to reverse and remand a decision that an administrative agency had power to make, and sufficient evidence to support, is, I fear, perhaps more art than science.”4 The nature and scope of judicial review of administrative decisions has taken on increasing importance as the size of the administrative state has grown and the number of administrative adjudicators has multiplied. As one commentator has noted, “[j]udicial review of administrative agency decisions is one of the cornerstones of the modern administrative law system[,] . . . although the nature and scope of judicial review, and the authority of the courts to dispose of these matters reflect a variety of approaches. . . .”5 To a large degree, the question of whether and in what circumstances remand to the agency rather than a judicial decision in the first instance is required is still resolved with at least su-perficial reference to the Supreme Court’s Chenery decision. In that decision, the Court laid out the basic precepts of judicial review of administrative action. “If the action rests upon an administrative determination— an exercise of judgment in an area which Congress has entrusted to the agency—of course it must not be set aside because the reviewing court might have made a different determination were it empowered to do so.”6 However, “if the action is based upon a determination of law as to which the reviewing authority of the courts does come into play, an order may not stand if the agency has misconceived the law.”7 Thus, the Court gave voice to what would become the courts’ deferential stance to agency factual findings and discretionary determinations, and its continuing authority to review legal and constitutional claims de novo.


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Simplifying the Prophecy of Justiciability in Cases Concerning Foreign Affairs: A Political Act of State Question

By: Deborah Azar


Justiciability doctrines in the foreign affairs arena have been described as involving large elements of prophecy. First, this article will examine the justifications and application of the political question doctrine in cases involving foreign affairs. Second, this article will discuss the jus- tifications and application of the act of state and political question doc- trines. Third, this article will analyze whether the act of state doctrine can be encompassed within the political question doctrine. Fourth, this article will propose a framework that can be applied in cases involving political questions in foreign affairs.


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Evaluating South Africa’s Post-Apartheid Democratic Prospects Through the Lens of Economic Development Theory

By: Jonathan L. Marshfield


Political scientists have identified compelling correlations be- tween economic development and democratic stability. In general, the wealthier and more developed a country, the greater its chances of maintaining a long-term, stable democracy. This Article evaluates whether South Africa’s post-apartheid economic conditions are trend- ing towards conditions that generally correlate to stable democracies. It compares South Africa’s post-apartheid economic conditions to the empirical trends that development theorists have identified as correla- tive to democratic stability. This analysis is important because if South Africa’s post-apartheid economic conditions do not exhibit positive trends, this may suggest that despite the just end of apartheid, condi- tions are becoming progressively more difficult for South Africa to maintain a democratic government.


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It Takes Two to Tango, and to Mediate: Legal Cultural and Other Factors Influencing United States and Latin American Lawyers’ Resistance to Mediating Commercial Disputes

By: Don Peters


This article examines legal cultural and other factors influenc- ing the resistance to mediating commercial disputes displayed by U.S. and Latin American lawyers. After surveying current contexts in which commercial mediation occurs in the United States and in Latin American countries and summarizing data regarding commercial ac- tors’ knowledge of the benefits of mediating, it analyzes the relatively infrequent use of mediation despite its potential advantages over adju- dicating. Focusing on lawyers, the article next explores factors that influence U.S. and Latin American lawyers when they converse with commercial clients about selecting dispute resolution methods.


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