By: Lisa Middlekauff Despite instability in certain parts of the region, the Middle East has emerged as an attractive market for foreign investment.’ This comes at an opportune time for many Middle Eastern countries that are seeking to diversify away from the oil industry and state owned enterprises.2 Further, the prevalence of young, educated … [Read more…]
Studying China’s International Finance and Policy: A Speech Given at the University of Richmond School of Law
By: William B. Brown Chinese international finance may sound to many of you like a daunting subject. It really is not, but I have to admit it’s not quite intuitive. International finance is a lot like accounting; you have to learn the rules. And on top of that, in this case we have to … [Read more…]
Conflicting Positions but Common Interests: An Analysis of the United States Antidumping Policy Toward China
By: Qinglan Long According to the Tariff Act of 1930, “dumping” is the sale of goods imported from a foreign county at less than their “fair value” on the domestic market.2 Thus, a good produced and sold in China for twenty dollars, but sold in the United States for only fifteen dollars, may be … [Read more…]
Un Arco Iris de Lentes con los que Mirar: La Protección del Color Único Como Marca en Los Estados Unidos, en España, y en la Unión Europea
By: Glenda Labadie-Jackson Se vaticina que imicamente tendrdn una s6lida y duradera presencia en los complejos mercados contempordneos las marcas que se sirvan de estimulos multisensoriales con el objetivo de acaparar la atenci6n de los consumidores.3 En diversos ordenamientos juridicos, 6ste ha sido el motor que ha propulsado la ampliaci6n del repertorio de signos … [Read more…]
Through the Looking Hole of the Multi-Sensory Trademark Rainbow: Trademark Protection of Color Per Se Across Jurisdictions: The United States, Spain, and the European Union
By: Glenda Labadie-Jackson An oft-asserted prediction states that only trademarks that stimulate all five senses with the objective of attracting the consumer’s attention will acquire a firm and durable presence in today’s complex marketplaces.3 This, in turn, has provoked the broadening of the repertoire of signs and symbols potentially eligible to serve as trademarks … [Read more…]