Opportunistic Discipline: Using Eurasian Integration To Improve Sanctions Against Belarus

By: Ilya Zlatkin   “The last true dictatorship in the heart of Europe.”1 Since former United States Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice coined this phrase in 2005, this less than flattering title has clung to Belarus.2 For its part, however, the former Soviet republic’s government has done enough to maintain the moniker. Under President Alexander … [Read more…]

Legal Services In India: Is There An Obligation Under The GATS Or Are There Policy Reasons For India To Open Its Legal Services Market To Foreign Legal Consultants?

By: Arno L. Eisen   The globalization of trade and business has led to a globalization of legal services1 and a growing demand for legal advice that transcends the borders of one jurisdiction. Clients often prefer to have one legal adviser rather than several in different jurisdictions. This has led to the development of international … [Read more…]

The Human Rights And Wrongs Of Foreign Direct Investment: Addressing The Need For An Analytical Framework

By: David Shea Bettwy   The absence of a global legal framework to hold multinational corporations (“MNCs”) accountable for human rights abuses has long been a concern of human rights activists, and is now receiving widespread attention as part of a worldwide movement against corporate abuses.1 This article re-examines the relationship between foreign direct investment … [Read more…]

Arab Spring Brings Winds of Change to the Maghreb and MENA Region: Does that Spell Opportunity for Infastructure Development and Project Finance?

By: Silvano Domenio Orsi   Turmoil and revolution accompanied the 2011 Arab Spring, beginning in Tunisia and spreading to Egypt and Libya, bringing change across the Maghreb and Middle East and North Africa (“MENA”) region. Whether any of the new political, institutional or social reforms that might be implemented will actually work to attract international … [Read more…]

Doing Business in Egypt After the January Revolution: Capital Market and Investment Laws

By: Radwa S. Elsaman, Ahmed A. Alshorbagy   Despite the Egyptian economy’s remarkable growth during the last decade, unequal treatment at law and unfair distribution of wealth led to the Revolution on January 25, 2011. The Revolution affected investment in Egyptian markets. Reforming business laws— specifically the Capital Market and Investment Laws— has become essential … [Read more…]